Mobility Tier Updates

How do I know which tier I’m in?

You would have received a confirmation email advising you of your tier. Should you need to confirm this, please reach out to your local Wavelink representative 

How do I know which tier I’m in?2021-06-15T11:03:49+10:00

How are tiers calculated?

Our Wavelink Mobility Partner Program is defined through revenue and certifications. More information on what these are can be found here.

How are tiers calculated?2021-06-21T12:28:18+10:00

How can I move up or down a tier?

As there are set criteria for revenue and certifications, depending on whether you hit these thresholds will depend on if you move up or down a tier.  We’ll be checking [...]

How can I move up or down a tier?2021-06-21T11:36:15+10:00

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