Most organisations operate a number of disparate event monitoring systems which are designed to record event activity and communicate status update or alerts for user intervention whenever required.

Event monitoring covers an almost limitless number of activities in a wide range of industries, including:

  • Healthcare – Nursecall systems, duress systems
  • Hospitality – Building management, gaming systems
  • Retail – Temperature monitoring, security alarms
  • Manufacturing – Process control, access control
  • Education – Fire panels, staff protection

These systems deliver alerts to users in several different ways, such as to:

  • Wireless devices as text or graphical messages (pagers, wireless phones, smartphones etc
  • Audible alarms or visual display panels
  • PCs
  • Emergency services etc

The challenge facing most organisations is that these disparate event monitoring systems operate independently of each other, requiring multiple proprietary interfaces for each business system that requires monitoring. More and more vendors are providing hardware and software solutions which act as the central, single point of aggregation for these various event monitoring systems and deliver alerts to a variety of devices.

There are a number of vendors in Australia that have developed messaging platforms that act as the central hub for all event monitoring and message delivery to the range of KIRK DECT and Spectralink Wi-Fi systems distributed by Wavelink. The details for some of the vendors that have interop with our systems are shown below. Alternately, please contact Wavelink to be directed to the vendor that best meets your specific requirements.